Guide to Spiritual Youtube





Bill Wiese Meets Jesus (1/2)

A man narrates his encounter with Christ in Hell.


For the continuation of this video, click here

Get Off Facebook, Be a Man (by Paul Washe)

A Christian preacher exhorts us to take life seriously.


Jesus Christ in India

Did Jesus Christ live part of his life in India? (documentary)


Conversations with God - an uncommon dialogue

The movie "Conversations with God" (clips of which are shown here) relates the real-life story of Neale Donald Walsh, author of the best-selling book by the same title.
Did Neale Donald Walsh really take an interview from God? Is "Conversations with God" a divinely inspired book?


Living a Life of Purpose (Rick Warren) 1/2

The author of the greatest best seller of all times, evangelist Rick Warren, speaks on the virtuous life.


For the continuation of this video, click here.

The singularity of human beings

What makes humans different from animals?
Speech at a Princeton University graduation ceremony.


Priests rape little girls

The most discussed scandal of our times.


The best student of religion in the world!


Does God exist?

German source, with both English and Greek translation.


Apparitions of the Virgin Mary (1/5)

Virgin Mary appears steadily to people in Bosnia. Millions of pilgrims.


To see all five videos on the apparitions of Mary in Bosnia, please click here

The God of the Gospel speaks in channeling

The God of the Gospel speaks through a medium.


Christian discourses by Nick Vujicic!!!

Οn Τeasing - South African Schools

The inspiring presence of Nick Vujicic, Christian preacher who was born with no arms and legs, in schools of South Africa. A must-see. Most Moving!!!!


Nick Vujicic speaks to school pupils in the States

Very very moving...


Another 14 videos of Nick Vujicic can be found here.

Christian songs
(from the rock opera JCSS and other sources - with English subs)


Clip from the rock opera Jesus Christ Super Star.


Another 8 songs from the rock opera Jesus Christ Super Star can be found here.

God of the Moon and Stars 1

Christian song by Kees Kraayenoord (with slideshow, version 3)


Another 5 Christian songs can be found here.