Proposed videos
"The Last Lecture" by Randy PauschPerhaps the most famous lecture on the internet. A Must See for every thinking person! 10:11
The Truth About Television (Howard Beale)A most inspired speech on people's slavery to television. 5:00
Conversations with God - an uncommon dialogueThe movie "Conversations with God"
(clips of which are shown here) relates the real-life story
of Neale Donald Walsh, author of the best-selling book by
the same title. 11:01
I Know What I SawA documentary trailer on UFOs. 3:56
Experiencers (1/5)A very high quality documentary on abductions by extraterrestrials, focusing on relevant international "on-the site" research made by Harvard's Professor of Psychiatry John Mack. 10:34For the continuation of the
video, which lasts 50 min., click here |
Bill Wiese Meets Jesus (1/2)A man narrates his encounter with Christ in Hell. An astonishing speech. 8:26Category: Christianity |
Living a Life of Purpose (Rick Warren) 1/2The author of the greatest best seller of all times speaks on the virtuous life. 10:42Category: Christianity |
Οn Τeasing - South African SchoolsThe inspiring presence of Nick Vujicic, Christian preacher who was born with no arms and legs, in schools of South Africa. A must-see. Most Moving!!!! 4:00
Nick Vujicic speaks to school pupils in the StatesVery very moving... 5:05Another 14 videos of Nick Vujicic can be found here. |
GethsemaneClip from the rock opera Jesus Christ Super Star. 6:56Another 8 songs
from the rock opera Jesus Christ Super Star can be found
here. |
Flying Witches Filmed Over Mexican SkiesFlying witch attacks policeman (from TV news). 4:00
Fascist alien mutant flying witchesa) A witch attacks a policeman (from presentation at an Ιnternational UFO Congress). b) Flying humanoids. 4:02
Americans are NOT stupid!What gives rise to war? - Chauvinist spirit in America. 6:51
Hypnotized at Park Vista High School (1/2)Hypnotist hypnotizes schoolchildren en masse. Very funny and impressive. 6:00
Satsang with Swaha VasantLecture by spiritual teacher, disciple of Osho. 4:34
It's About YouSpiritual discourse by Maharaji, a well-known spiritual teacher from India, who lives in the States and goes on world tours. 2:55
A Witness to BeautySpiritual discourse by Maharaji, a well-known spiritual teacher from India, who lives in the States and goes on world tours. 3:42
The Power of ChiVery impressive demonstration of the use of bioenergy -- only by CERTAIN people in CERTAIN martial arts. 2:20
African shaman performing levitation2:21
Real Psychic Medium ReadingsPsychic mediums connect the living with the dead in public demonstrations. 9:56
Miracles Beyond ComprehensionThis is perhaps the best demonstration of metaphysical powers that you can find on Youtube. It consists of clips from three different videos. 7:27
Apparitions of the Virgin Mary (2/5)7:45 For access to
all five videos on the apparitions of Virgin Mary in
Bosnia, click here |
The Day I Died - Documentary on Near-Death Experiences (1/6)This scientific documentary explains how Near-Death Experiences prove that body and soul are distinct and the soul survives physical death. 10:00
Happiness and DepressionPlacing things into the right perspective! 10:46
Jenny Finds Her Past Life Children (1/2)Documentary about a woman who died while being anxious about her children - and found them in her next life! 5:47
Scientific proofs for ancient spirituality and 2012 (1/16)DAVID WILCOCK's wonderful and inspired closing presentation at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Conference, Los Angeles, 20 September 2009.
10:33 |